ISSN 1995-2511
Complimentary addresses
For authors
Description of the subject of the Journal
Rules to prepare a scientific article (Valid until 30.03.2025)
Rules to prepare a scientific article (Valid as on 31.03.2025)
Example of a scientific article (Valid as on 21.06.2014)
Covering letter of a scientific article
Form of expert conclusion (for NNGASU staff)
Regulation on Publication Ethics
Peer-view procedure
Subscription to the journal
For reviewers
Unified form of a scientific article review
Publisher Information
Information about the editor-in-chief
Editorial board
Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation A.V. Konovalov
President of the Association of Builders of Russia N.P. Koshman
President of RAACS, academician A.P. Kudryavtsev
President of the Association of Construction Universities, rector of MGSU, honoured worker of science of RF, academician of RAACS, doctor of technical sciences, professor V.I. Telichenko
Vice-President of the Union of Architects of Russia, Corresponding member of RAACS B.S. Nelyubin
Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of The Volga Federal Region, rector of the N.I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University, honoured worker of science of RF, doctor of physics and mathematics, professor R.G. Strongin
Professor, Dr.-Ing., Dr.h.c., Director, UNU-EHS, Janos J. Bogardi, Bonn, Germany
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